I feel intellectual today :D
28 February 2007
Today lunch with the company was good.
It was held over at River City Restaurant, Excelsior Hotel.
First it was the lou hei, followed by 8 courses of excellent dishes.
I luv the food especially the abalone (which was only 1 slice) and the prawns (six).
Thou shall not be bragging, so no pics up ((:

Is she just a fren,
or a soulmate that I long to have?
If thou remember'st not the slightest folly
That ever love did make thee run into,
Thou hast not loved.
Is she?

Green rock!
27 February 2007
Today is a wonderful day, serious.
Definitely no 'NOTS' hiding anywhere.
I get to meet my fav people and ate really appertising food.
Is really fun but plain lazy to give a thorough explanation of how I'm feeling right now =)

Okay, I highly recommend this restaurant called 'Changing Appetite'.
This place has a wide varieties of food and the fries are nice

I'm not kidding but the serving are fairly large too.
Is at level 1 Marina Square, go try it cause it really change my appetite! (:

Kowtow to their services as well.

Work is boring. Can't wait for tomorrow lunch outing with the colleagues at some fancy restaurant courtesy of the company.

Barney, stand firm in ur decision!

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
26 February 2007
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The beautiful touch of colours


Tuesday - Meeting youguesswho(s) after work

Wednesday - Back to sch for short LTC briefing

Thursday - CNY gathering with bball khakis and hopefully a sweet gambling session

Friday - Catching up with ahem, perhaps a movie or so

Saturday & Sunday! - Leadership training camp (LTC07) which means FUN FUN FUN!

Tell me
25 February 2007
What can be more worse than waking up at 10 o'clock in da morning, after a pathetic 4 hours of sleep followed by giving a short speech infront of numerous elders and important people?

I know what is worse,

when you are asked to present it in mandarin. Thanks I luv cheena people now.
(gracefoo pls laugh out loud if you are reading this)

Good time
24 February 2007
I'm fine and well, yah which mean no more cough, prickly sore throat, or possibly a slight running nose once in awhile.
Thank you everyone who have shown me their concern these few days, be it a short sms, phone call or a short tag. It's the thought that counts, and I fully appreciate it.

Last evening basketball with the guys was kinda refreshing and cool, but still I almost couldn't catch my breath from all the running; jaded for short. I hate to admit it but my athletic performance is going down, way downhill. Cruel to the fact that I only ate 4 meals a day for IPP =)

Anyway, here are some cny pics (I know is late but still I wanna post it up)

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All the guys in the family

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He was like shouting the name 'Jack Sparrow' to the tune of the guitar, how hilarious!

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My lovely cousin, niece and nephew

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Ehem, one of my fav ppl, she rocks!

Alright, catching norbit and chingay later. Bye guys, peace out (;

Apparently, I can't stop laughing after watching this
23 February 2007

I certainly hope so.
Anyway these few days have been a blur for me, it seems that everyone is down either with a cold or a very bad sore throat. To the extent that even mum, dad and my bro were ill too, but apparently everything is cool now since most of us has or already recovered.
But still, I am still not alright yet.
Damn that incompetent doc who only gave me some paracetamol,lozenges and nothing else. I NEED SOME ANTIBIOTICS!

I'm going quit clubbing, period.

22 February 2007
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Not feeling well

20 February 2007
Yesterday was incredibly fun but it leaved me jaded as well.
Afternoon was spent in grandma's house and steamboat, but I missed out the gambling with them.
Head for mos straight after the dinner, the queue was ghastly (as usual) but managed to get inside the club within 10 minutes.
Know lot of new people who look intimidating but turn out to be friendly people, newfound khakis.
Spotted xiangyao, muq, dan, jensen, and lotmore crazy nypians, shiok!

Goddamnit, I hate tomorrow.

18 February 2007
Today cny gathering was kinda awesome, get to see everybody in good shape (except my mum who was ill). It was really fun and pleasant.
But I'm too tired to narrate all these after spending almost the whole of today at my 4th uncle's house. Overall, good feeling.
As what XY put it, cny gambling is not all about crediting money from ang pow, but most imptly to debit happiness in return. So yah, it's kinda kewl to gamble during festive period.

Plus, I caught the all stars game today (dunks), the sticker dunk is one coolios shit!

Geekinthewhite wishing everybody a
Prosperous Cheena New Year!

Huat ah (oink*)

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The hella wastage shoe
17 February 2007
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Pardon the sucky photography (n70)
Can't wait for the reunion steamboat later! (:

16 February 2007
Oh great, I finally bought my onitsuka. EH I mean fuck literally
Took hella shit of pain and water (drenched by the rain and the 2 hours walking) to get that freakkking shoe.

Due to the complications of getting the 'perfect one', I should jolly well shut up and shout 'I DID IT!'
But it is worth the 170 bucks (I think), end of story.
Retail therapy rocks damnit lmao.

Should I head to zouk tonight, or stay at home and be a good mama boy?

15 February 2007

I love I love I love drinking orange juice,
today is a fine working day
1 onitsuka tiger to go and all shall be set.
Ohyah I wanted to take this chance to thanks a special and super nice person,
who is willing to lend me her mobtv a/c so that I CAN WATCH the last epi of 'Let it fly'
(hate me people cos my work ends at 1 tmr blah)

Call it the eternal embrace
14 February 2007
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Archaeologists in Italy have discovered a couple buried 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, hugging each other.
"It's an extraordinary case," said Elena Menotti, who led the team on their dig near the northern city of Mantova.
"There has not been a double burial found in the Neolithic period, much less two people hugging -- and they really are hugging."
Menotti said she believed the two, almost certainly a man and a woman although that needs to be confirmed, died young because their teeth were mostly intact and not worn down.
"I must say that when we discovered it, we all became very excited. I've been doing this job for 25 years. I've done digs at Pompeii, all the famous sites," she told Reuters.
"But I've never been so moved because this is the discovery of something special."

Happy Valentine to all!

13 February 2007

Roses are red
Bluebirds are blue
If you dun pak tor with me
I will hoot you


My pay was high
My tap was gold
I'm now looking for love
For when I’m paroled


My darling Wife
No ifs, ands, or buts
Please don't say anything
About which you know nuts


Red is my rose
White is my lace
Please get out of my
Elite uncaring face


Chicken or beef?
Red wine or sherry?
Sir, you're a foreigner?
Come, let us marry!


The price I paid for your love
Was more than your money could buy
So why not throw in a P.R.
Since now I can't be Thai?


My flag is half red
My windcheater blue
If you don't say you love me
I will sue you


Darling, you wear the pants
And that to me is just fine
But really, must the pants that you wear
Also have to be mine?

I love you when you call me
12 February 2007
Ohboyohboy, what a wonderful start for my internship.
When you hear some sizzling in the background and a non-stop rattle, obviously there is some happy juncture to share :)

Okayy, my morning kicked off pretty alrite today. (bump into davin while waiting for bus)
Managed to locate the venue saving much hussle, less some negative thoughts about travelling there by cab. After doing some non-brainy calculation, I guess/think/hope travelling time is approximately down to 30 mins which mean I can wake up every mornng at 8!

Once again, I hate but luv to reiterate that I'm currently working in 'OAAG' (Organisation of Asian Amateur Golfers).
Their main office is in Eunos techpark, located somewhere between the stretch along eunos and hougang ave 3.

Very much to my astonish , I didn't know they happen to own the largest golf club in the world with offices all over 15 countries. Shan't blog more about the company cause I believed corporate stuff is not particulary interesting.
My day in office start off rather quickie, did some contractual signing followed by a short orientation around the office. The people there are very friendly, pleasant and all.

Have I mention my direct supervisor happen to be the sales manager and at the same time, the director of the company? Gif a big woot for her, cause she resemble Andrea De Cruz with very sharp feature. By the way yes, that's a compliment.

The short conversation with the big shot was rather pleasant (thinking back it was rather nerve wracking). He asked me lot of fundamental questions regarding my education and the course that I'm currently pursuing.
Frankly speaking, I was completely took by surprise with no prior preparation.
But I managed to smoke it through by responding to him promptly with coherent answers.
It's not an everyday thing that you get the chance to see the ceo around, perhaps once in a week?

Talking about my colleagues, Paul is a very nice person who owns some very deprave jokes, one funny guy who works around the IT department. There is a guy by the name of 'Tuesday' but nothing is much known about him. Not to forget the super friendly colleague, Evelyn and PeiFen.
So far my job scope is still filled with uncertainty, except the possibilty that I'll be helping out in handling some major project which comprises lot of market research and corporate management.

Spent the rest of my morning in the office doing some coolios stuff with the desk com (shall not eleborate more due to some safety reasons).
My afternoon was spent with Paul running some errands with his car, travelling from eunos to places such as tanjong katong, funan, cityhall, sentosa and geylang (HAHA! Paul made some nasty jokes about geyland)

It was demanding for a first day, but I swear time flew really fast today.
Perhaps I will consider cooling down by their rooftop jacuzzi or maybe a game of tennis with PeiFen by means of the company's facilities.

Plus factor of the day! I'm glad to work in the same area with a very good friend of mine.
This certainly marks the motivation of my 2nd day at work tomorrow =)

Hope everything will be smooth for her

Yours truly
11 February 2007
(not in order of sequence)

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I think I saw some big fish there..

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The underpass attempt

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Jules is out in this photo
(actually she took lotsa photos of us!)

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The supposely durian-thinker

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Finally the photographer took a shot of herself

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Borat signature posture (say hi)

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Crumpler new poster boy!

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When you offer him some water..

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..he gave you zara (lol!)

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I wonder why..

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The crazy fascination for toys

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very nice collectibles

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'very niceeee, how much?' (borat tone)

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the 10 to 6 studying kahkis

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I don't know why I took this pose

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-saving the best for the last- (puke)

Yesterday was fun.
Spastic photo, paroxysmal pose, unglam shots.
Activities will be updated once photos are up,
meanwhile R&B is the dabomb.

Stay tune and peace out (;

I love the weather!
10 February 2007
Janicelaw (in case you might wonder, she is my finance tutor) said my handwriting has show a very ahem significant improvement!
OKAY, I jus wan to state the point here.
Going swim now, bye!

Light in a heavy way
09 February 2007
Happy 19th Birthday!

Hsien Pod

Finally it's over. Yeah is like finally..

There are no major update in my blog for these past few weeks except for the mundane life of my school and exam. So boring you can tell me, but yah that's the reality of life I'm facing right now.
Of cause there are the occasionally meet-up(s), shopping and stuff, but it doesn't seem relevant to blog all these in a blog of who I care- nobody might be reading it.

I starting to be filled with doubts about myself.
I'm not sure about my finance result, not sure about what I wan to get for CNY or frankly speaking, not sure about what I want to see in my life 10 years down the road.
It came to this point that everything that you are doing right now can actually affect what you may or might be facing in the future, partially.

Who am I to kid, this is a competition and there'll always be losers. If possible, I wan to put a good fight to it! Something meaningful and constructive.
People who knows me well knows that I actually dont exactly dwell well in a group conversation. If something actually get to intimidate me, I might just recoil into silence and more often than not, I will shut-my-ass-up for the rest of the day.

Speaking of which, I came to know the job scope of my IPP attachment through my liaison officer (everybody know who -thanks-)

"Uhh teejun, your job scope is rather interesting compared to other people. You will get to do marketing in an office environment, some outsourcing perhaps. Oh yah, you will have the chance to run/help up in outdoor activites for example, their golf tournament."

I wish I can play some golf lah!

O sweet
08 February 2007
Law was quite okay, managed to remember most of the law terms and definitions.
But definitely not the case studies, cause I didn't memorise it for god sake! :(
1 more lap to go and is nirvana!

Uhh shit
07 February 2007
It's really ohmygawd, I can't believe I actually 'black out' during a finance paper.
The difficulty of the paper was another thing, but going blank upon seeing the questions is really sucky.
Totally horrible feeling.
Irony to say it now but finance might be one of my most potential module for sup paper.
If saying 'omg' for a reptitive amount can ease my discomfort, I don't mind saying it for a thousand times.

Left business law and EFMA, can't wait for it to be over.. Sigh!

In the end, it's you
06 February 2007
Two down, three more to go.
The day I fear most is happening soon,
hope everything will be fine and easy.
Get posted to some golf retailing outlet in Kaki,
michelle wie seems like a distant angel in the green.
O well..


03 February 2007
Fuck, I hate finance. The big wave is comin soon, look out for me cause I'll be surfin' this time yo.

Let's Chat!


