For now
28 February 2009











After seeing the show, you would want to own a Marley too!

25 February 2009
So far RSAF life has been getting dope! The time of this entry said it all (:
It's a world apart from the hectic lifestyle of BMT and SISPEC. Privileges such as drinking beer at the club house after working hour, accessing the gym or the games court almost everynight and even surfing the internet were never heard of during those early times. Now, I'm appreciating what I had before the tough time kicks in. Peace out all!

Have been to where I've been
19 February 2009
Just about 2 weeks ago (for those who bother to try viewing my blog), it went adruptly 'missing' for some unknown reasons. Fortunately (for me and you readers), through some heavy emailing to blogger and an intense session of making sense out of the troubleshoot, geekinthewhite have finally got it back to where it belongs (:

Bringing back to what I've done during the period of my last entry till now, I had some very pleasant (booking in on the 2nd night of CNY wasn't fun at all) Chinese New Year celebrations with the family. Not to forget, my second valentine date with YL. These two occasions were mainly the highlight of Jan and Feb. NS is getting routine, it's not even considered a highlight.

Some pictures




Okay, she actually blowed me away by surprising me with a fondue-by-the-beach stunt. It was really creative of her and I must admit, very thoughtful at that!


We had a hard time lighting up the candles but eventually, we did it.


Although the banana was abit err err, I still like it very much hahaha (:

Recently, I caught this irritating sinus problem which troubled my rest for weeks. I now have it under control with some antibiotics. My main point is seek a doctor when you encounter any uncomfortable rest! Sleep is very very important. Okay, for me at least.

For some people who aren't aware, the blog owner here have finally got his ass out of sispec soil (!!!) and was posted into the Air Force (RSAF). The vocation is Air Defence Weapon Specialist, which don't sound interesting and isn't interesting anyway. Though there is a momentary period of cultural adjustment from the Army to the Air Force, some stuffs remain the same ie still got to chiong sua! Despite that, I still prefer the latter as there's a lesser regimental system and no more SOC!

As I get older, the vision towards my future gets clearer and clearer. There are just so many factors in life for things to work out accordingly to what we want. Emptiness could only be resolved if we want it to be filled. As for what to be fill in, I believed everybody see it differently.

Half filled? Half emptied?

Let's Chat!


